Today, i write for you an article on the best software automation for the social network, discover Sociallymap. You go finding easyly the good informations for to you serve of that web tool.

Are you tired of concentrating your time on repetitive and non-value added tasks? It’s essential not to fall asleep, when you work in social media, you can find several time-consuming tasks that push you to lose moments and that impose you without realizing it to have your head in the handlebars.

Do you wish obtain more informations on Sociallymap?

Sociallymap starts from a simple observation: sharing texts on social platforms is quite mechanical in itself. Community managers use rules to share the right content, in the right place, at the right time.

If the elaboration of these rules deserves attention, the execution is time consuming. To estimate that a certain content should be shared at 4pm on Facebook but not on Google+, it is better to analyze data. But the very fact of posting this text at this time on this network takes moments while the mission itself has little added value.

The teaser of Sociallymap


Sociallymap therefore presents you with the ability to create scenarios to optimize the automatic sharing of content on social platforms. A good way to free up moments to perform higher value-added tasks. Here is an overview of the main features of Sociallymap.

Suite de la série d'infographies sur "Comment et quand poster sur les réseaux sociaux".
Aujourd'hui, zoom sur le réseau…

Publiée par Sociallymap sur Mercredi 5 mai 2021


Automatically feed your social platforms

Stay focused on high value-added tasks such as building your posts, or managing conversations. Sociallymap takes care of the distribution, according to the ecosystem you’ve built.

Relay content already present everywhere on the net

Content curation, at the service of your influence. Thanks to its system of filters and operators, Sociallymap allows you to relay content from other sources in an ultra-quality way: various websites, blogs, search engines…

You benefit from a coherent, qualitative and regular animation, serving your conduct everywhere on the net. 4Of course, Sociallymap is not the only automation tool. However, it remains our favorite, both for its simplicity and its efficiency. Small plus, the licenses are very affordable and you are offered the pleasure to test the tool for free during 2 weeks.

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